1. Micro neurosurgical management of temporal lobe epilepsy
by amygdalohippocampectomy plus National institute of
neurosciences(NINS), Bangladesh standard temporal
lobectomy: early experiences of fifteen cases. - in 6th South
Asian Neurosurgical Congress of South Asian Association of
2. Peripheral nerve tumors: It’s profile and surgical outcome of 52
cases- in 6th South Asian Neurosurgical Congress of South Asian
Association of Neurosurgeons.
3. Safety and Efficacy of CRW frame and programming software
for stereotactic brain biopsy: Our experience - in National
Conference of Bangladesh Society of Neurological Surgeon,
4. Epilepsy Surgery: Scopes and Limitations. - in National
Conference of Bangladesh Society of Neurological Surgeon,
5. Surgery for movement disorder: outcome of our first two cases.
- in National Conference of Bangladesh Society of
Neurological Surgeon, 2019.
6. Poster Presentation- Percutaneous retrogasserian Rhizotomy
for Trigeminal Neuralgia: our experience of 16 cases. -in
National Conference of Bangladesh Society of Neurological
Surgeon, 2019.
7. Speech in the title of “Surgery for Epilepsy: where are we
now?”- at National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital,
Dhaka, on the occasion of International Epilepsy Day 2021.